Are you "Money Conscious" or " Poverty Conscious"

Are you "Money Conscious" or " Poverty Conscious" :

Spasmodic or occasional effort to apply the Certain Habits  will be of no value to you. To get results, you must apply all of the Certain Habits until their application becomes a fixed habit with you. In no other way can you develop the necessary " money consciousness ."

Poverty is attracted to the one whose mind is favorable to it, as money is attracted to him whose mind has deliberately prepared to attract it and through the same laws. Poverty consciousness will voluntarily seize the mind which is not occupied with the money consciousness. A poverty consciousness develops without conscious application of habits favorable to it. The Money consciousness must be created to order, unless one is born with such a consciousness.

Catch the fully significance of the statements in the preceding paragraph and you will understand the importance of persistence in the accumulation of a fortune. Without persistence, you will be defeated, even before you start. With persistence you will win.

If you have ever experienced a nightmare, you will realize the value of persistence. You are lying in bed, half awake, with a feeling that you are about to smother. You are unable to turn over or to move a muscle. You realize that you must being to regain control over your muscles. Through persistent effort of will power, you finally manage to move the fingers of one hand. By continuing to move your fingers, you extend your control to the muscles of one arm, until you lift it. Then you gain control over the other arm in the same manner. You finally gain control over the muscles of one leg, and then extend it to the other leg. Then with one supreme effort of will you regain complete control over your muscular system and "snap" out of your nightmare. The trick has been turned step by step.  


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